ators and others are generally the subject of express- ed or implied suspicion and comment by other males.
What does this all mean to TVs, then? It means that quite apart from the TVism and regardless of its origin we are subject to this neurosis like the rest of the male population. Now when we superimpose TVism on top of the neurosis we have the basis for a very real and painful sense of shame and guilt. For here we are not just taking an interest in feminine things, but actually partially abandoning our masculinity to embrace feminine attire, actions and interests. Since the cause of this guilt is so obvious and near the sur- face and so difficult if not impossible to eradicate it becomes one of the most powerful and important emot- ional stresses that TVs have to bear.
There are probably a number of ways out of this dilemna but I am going to mention only 3. The first one is available usually only to those individuals who have enough education and training to acquire suf- ficient knowledge and to develop enough insight to gradually examine their problem, recognise it for what it is and to accept it without fighting it. This pro- cess is slow, difficult and not entirely successful, but it ŝan, for some, cut the burden considerably.
The second is a matter of shifting responsibility to someone else. Do amny TV stories are written around a circumstance whereby the hero finds himself in the clutches of some domineering female who MAKES him dress, beats him into submission if he rebels, and keeps him in the highest of heels, tightest of corsets and long- est of kid gloves (when he is good and all manner of "persuasive" devices and treatments when he is disob- edient. In due course he comes to love his feminine self. By this time it is so obvious to the world (and thus to the author and vicariously to his readers) that he couldn't help himself---he was forced against his will, he was shamed, humiliated, embarassed etc. etc. but he was HELPLESS---that the Gods of Guilt have been apeased and he can then say that he has learned to "love" his feminine self, "her" clothing and "her" life.